About Me


Welcome to Simply Tess! I am the God Lover, Wife, Mother, Baker, DIY, Health raver, and Adventurer behind this blog!


About Me

I grew up in the small town of Palo Cedro, CA and  am the youngest of four children. I love my sibling to death, even though we all live in different states (Oregon, Idaho, Arizona, New York). 
While growing up in the sticks I spent many days as a child wrangling pigs, chickens, cows, and even crawdads. My summers were filled with stacking firewood, picking beans in my parent’s garden, begging to swim in the neighbor’s pool, and playing lots of whiffle ball with my Brother. My father being a Police Officer and Mother a Nurse—they taught me the value of hard work, respect, serving others, family, and honoring the Lord. I can’t say that I always saw eye-to-eye with there parenting “techniques” as a child/teenager, BUT who really does? Now as an adult, I am so thankful for everything they taught me, and how they shaped me into the Woman, Wife, and Mother I am today.
The best way to describe myself would be a, “ Jack of SOME Trades.” I tend to have a lot of “hobbies”, but there isn’t one thing that I would consider myself to be an expert at…Not sure if that is a good or bad thing? On a daily basis I change my mind on what I want to be when I grow up, but there are two jobs I take very seriously
» Wifey
» Mama a.k.a MiMi ⇒ That’s what Harper calls me..so presh
People may be surprised that I am actually quite shy, overly emotional, and sometimes awkward. 
I love to Bake but my husband tries to watch his figure so It's either me, myself, or Harper eating up all the goodies.I always have somewhere to go or something to do, and my mind NEVER sleeps. I have always contemplated the idea of starting a blog but never knew what I would solely focus on…after months, and well years of UN-decisiveness; I figured why not talk about my life and all the things apart of it!
My life is REAL. It’s not perfect in any way, shape, or form. I want people to know that in being a spouse, mom, cook, DIY’r, exerciser, and child of God there are times you succeed and A LOT of times that you fail. I hope you enjoy seeing bits and pieces of what goes on in my life on a daily basis.

The Hubby

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I met my husband in January of 2009 in my Exercise Physiology class. I still remember the moment he walked in that door and good thing I was sitting down or else I would have gone weak in the knees. He was HOT, had a smile that would make you melt, and did I mention he played baseball?! My sister always told me that baseball players were my kryptonite so I figured I should stay real far from this one. Well...that lasted about 2 weeks until I finally gave into going to ice cream with him. Yes, he was very persistent and to my luck he thought I was somewhat cute. After our first ice cream date I knew he was somebody that was worth getting to know and I had a feeling this would turn into more than just a crush. Fast forwarding a year I graduated from college (CSU Chico Bayyybe), packed my VW Bettle with all my belongings (98% clothes), and moved to Boise, Idaho!! Boise was where my husband grew up and he would be moving back after playing some Independent Baseball to finish his degree. Before long we were engaged on October 28, 2010 (My Birthday), got married on May 14,2011, bought a home in Boise in March 2011, and had our beautiful baby girl, Harper Jade on January 30, 2013. Talk about Boom, Boom, Boom!! 

 The Daughter

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My daughter Harper Jade is everything and MORE than I ever imagined having a child would be like. Being a mother to this little girl who has the biggest heart, craves adventure, and puts an exclamation mark at the end of the word SASSY is my purpose in life. To raise this little girl to become a God Loving Daughter, Sister, Mother, and Wife is my challenge, and I am honored to be given the task of guiding her through all the trials and triumphs of this BEAUTIFUL life. My husband and daughter are my world. They make me be a better person each and every day. They make my bad days great, and my good days remarkable.
The Lord has truly blessed me!
I hope you enjoy my blog and all of the knick-knack activities that happen in my life on a daily basis.

P.S. - I am terrible at Grammar so please excuse the grammatical errors...if somebody could give me a grammar lesson that would be most appreciated.
You can follow me on Instagram and Pinterest
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Instagram: tessaboo88
Pinterest: TBraden


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